Primo Cycles
When I started up PRIMO cycles just over three years ago, I did so with no stock or sales system in place. With the rapid growth we experienced, this soon caused chaos, so I decided it would be a good idea to invest in a dealer management system to help run the business. After a quick search, I found the EVOPOS website and made an enquiry. I was really impressed with the efficiency of the staff there. The phone was answered quickly and the first person I spoke to was able to answer all my questions; a rare commodity in the age of robotic answering services!
After a short demo of the system, I could see that it was exactly what I needed, so I placed the order for an online installation. Within the same week, I had received the software and hardware that I ordered, and the team at EVOPOS installed it straight away. Then I completed the two hours online training and we were up and running. It was a really fast turnaround!
The feature which I find the most useful is the workshop module, which has been invaluable in maintaining and organising a busy workshop. We also find that it makes some of the most important jobs, such as accounts management and stock control, far more accessible. In fact, the system as a whole is very helpful and just simplifies the day to day chores, allowing us to spend more time focusing on our customers.
I have rarely needed to use the telephone support service, but when I have, the team there have always been helpful, knowledgeable and quick to assist me with any problem. All in all, I’m very happy with the system, and the level of customer service that EVOPOS provides. Whether you’re an established business, or a new starter, I would happily recommend EVOPOS to any cycle dealer - Stephen Hawkes – Primo Cycles – Cambridge